In the week running up to the Club Soda Pop Tent on the 31st of July, Club Soda created Pop Week. During Which Club flung open its doors and invited the general public to assist in the design and decoration of the Club Soda Pop Tent and big brother interview gazebo. Pop week allowed Club Soda to interact with the public in a completely different way. By encouraging Club Soda members and volunteers to share common projects, and thus common goals. For example the relaxing and creative environment of the Pop week work shops, gave Club Soda members a chance to spread the message of Club Soda and in turn listen to what the public really thinks about Club Soda.
The unique combination of creative volunteers and a finite budget created an explosion of bejeweled and some what inexpensive decorations, sculptures and wall hangings. The sheer number of decorative objects should be applauded as equally as their aesthetic appeal. For at least fifty percent of the materials used were donated, reused, and or recycled. Therefore reducing the quantity of new material Club soda needed to buy: and in turn helping the environment by turning items people often throw away into beautiful treasures. For example most of the materials used came from Sutton Squirrels Community Scrape Scheme to which Club soda is a member.( Description and contact details for Sutton Squirrels are at the bottom of the page).
Pop Week also played its part in supporting upcoming artists by providing both materials and the opportunity to have their pieces of art showcased to the public. For example Jolie a recent art graduate created a giant bottle of Club Soda and accompanying bubbles, out of paper mache and chicken wire. The Club Soda Bottle will play a critical role as the main piece of decoration near the Pop Tent stage, and is a thoughtful play in the word Club Soda. Yasmin, another recent art graduate created a beautiful Croydon clock tower sculpture, that will provide the dual purpose of reminding the public of where the heart of Club lies and will eventually be placed, in the chill out zone of the Pop Tent.
Yasmin very kindly wrote the following about her Club Soda experience….
'' My ideas for Pop Week were to bring different parts of Croydon together, by making models of buildings and places important to Croydon and Club Soda, the buildings would all be brightly coloured, in keeping with Club Soda's branding. In the end it was only possible to make the Croydon ClockTower. Other decorations we made were the CD garland/curtain, which gave individuals the opportunity to decorate a CD each, and build upon what the others had done, the same idea was behind the bunting''.
When a Club Soda member came up with the idea of creating and selling badges, to help promote Club Soda. It was warmly welcomed, so much so that many Club Soda members learnt how to use the badge machine and created a huge haul of badges. This small flame of entrepreneurship spread like wild fire with Club Soda members asking themselves what skills do they posses in which to create inexpensive items to sell at the Pop Tent event. The energetic buzz that was created was not due to the expectation of making a lot of money, but use the Pop Tent as a platform to demonstrate their skills to the public. Lenya a Club Soda member created dozen hand crafted felt bookmarks at a cost of £1.50 each. The fabric used to construct the bookmarks came from the fabric bins at the local college she attends, and therefore was free. Lenya stated that she enjoyed making the bookmarks because it was relaxing, and may benefit Club Soda.
To all the Club Soda members, volunteers, and anyone one else involved in Pop Week. I would just like to thank you for your wonderful and varied contributions.
Written by Caroline Dodd
Information about Sutton Squirrels
The squirrels (Community Scrape Scheme) is a charity that has collected surplus materials from factories, offices, shops and the public for many years. The squirrel community scrape scheme has membership of over eight hundred organizations. Organizations pay a monthly a yearly subscription fee and their members can collect donated items. Charity number 1091877 and Company Reg. Number 4365191 Home.ikml
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