If you weren’t, you missed out on a great night of rock and punk music! Heavy Load, the punk band from Brighton, came down to support Croydon’s ‘Shift the Shift!’ campaign. They were supported by Catherine O’Rourke and Zombie Crash. The great news is that lots of people stayed until the end of the gig! Thumbs up to their supporters! Heavy Load started the ‘Stay Up Late’ campaign. Visit the website at: www.stayuplate.org
“It was a good night. Lots of people turned up. I interviewed people about ‘Shift the Shift!’ on film. I spoke to Catherine O’Rourke, one of the performers and bought a CD from Zombie Crash. I’m helping make a film about the gig for the Croydon Film Festival. ”Sedley
“It was very good...excellent! The young girl—Catherine O’Rourke— was very good. All of it was good. It was a good atmosphere. You should come next time!” Amanda (Leisure Link news Letter issue 50).
Shift the Shift!
Imagine this…You are at a disco, club night or evening event. Half way through, just as you are starting to enjoy yourself, chatting with friends, you are told you have to go home because the staff are changing shifts! Sadly, this still happens for some people when they have been looking forward to an event for a long time. Some homes make a big effort to change staff shifts to suit the activities people want to do and support them to stay until the end of events. So, it is possible! All homes should change staff shifts to fit around the activities of the people they support, rather than the other way round. Club Soda supports Croydon’s Shift the Shift Campaign! (www.clubsoda.org.uk).
Oliver Tipper, Croydon Clocktower’s Audience Development Officer, and Leisure Link forum member supports the ‘Shift the Shift’ campaign. Oliver will help raise awareness about ‘Shift the Shift’ through the Beautiful Octopus Club and other initiatives, in partnership with the Leisure Link forum. For details of the Beautiful Octopus Club and other club nights and discos for people with learning disabilities, please visit Leisure Link’s online calendar at: (http://www.croydononline.org/ leisure/leisurelink-events.asp)
Shift The Shift The Movie
The resident Club Soda Media Crew filmed the Heavy load event on the 15th of January 2010. The night had two main aims Firstly for the guests to enjoy a hearty night of Punk Rock. Secondly for Club Soda to Archive how important Croydon Council Shift the Shift Campaign was. By creating the Shift the Shift documentary, which highlighted the potential difficulty disabled people can face, when trying to access social events at night due to shortages of support workers. The Club Soda’s Media Crew interviewing Musicians, Councilman, Careers, and the General public on camera on the topic. As well as editing, and marketing, and selling tickets for the documentary premiers at the David Lean cinema on the 28th of April. Cheeck out the Shift the shift documentary on www.clubsoda.org.uk or Youtube.
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